Entries by Lori Zellers


The Hague Convention and Child Custody Orders

How the Hague Convention Applies to Child Custody Orders What is the Hague Convention? The Hague Convention is a treaty that was enacted on October 25, 1980. It was enacted to protect children from abduction across international borders. This may be especially important in divorce cases or custody cases where one parent wishes to keep […]

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Marital Business Interests in Divorce

How to Handle a Spouses’ Business during Divorce “If my Wife/Husband owns a business, but it is only in his/her name, does that mean they “get” the business if we decide to divorce?”   A business that is developed or actively managed during a marriage is USUALLY considered a marital asset. However, a lawyer must evaluate and […]


What is an “Established Custodial Environment”?

An “Established Custodial Environment” (ECE) is VERY important to understand if you are dealing with Child Custody. Whether or not an ECE exists will determine your burden of proof in order to be successful in your request for custody. In other words, will you need a LOT of evidence or just ENOUGH to prove your […]

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Co-Parenting Tips

You are getting a divorce because you do NOT like your spouse. But you don’t want your kids to be caught in the middle of anything nasty. It’s just not good for them. “He did WHAT?” your friend commiserates with you. “I never liked her.” Your friend looks you in the eye. Your child overhears. This […]


Infidelity in Divorce

The Effects of Infidelity in Divorce Settlements in Michigan Even though Michigan is a No-Fault Divorce State, infidelity in divorce can affect contested issues with property settlement, spousal support and child custody. If this story sounds familiar, an expert divorce attorney can help sort out the divorce that could follow. “I didn’t think it would ever happen to […]